I HAVE ALWAYS WANTED A DOG! 8+ years ago, we were on the look-out for the perfect combination of athletic and cuddles. We had thought about rescuing but we were new to the dog world so we decided down the road we would be more prepared. We were traveling when I found the perfect breed and breeder (amazing people) and they HAPPENED TO BE ON THE DRIVE HOME AND THEY HAD PUPPIES!!! We called and stopped by to see all the precious wrinkly cuties! The breeder had told me who her pick of the litter was and I had fallen in love with him and saw he was perfect!
Unfortunately, they were all spoken for, so we would have to wait for the next litter. We go home, and a few days later I get a phone call saying that “the people who had spoken for my puppy backed out because of a cosmetic defect in his eye and would you like to have him?” I almost drove there right then and there, but instead we said we could go the next day (most agonizing 12-16 hours ever!) we picked him up and here he is WILSON!
Don’t let his sugar face fool you, he will steal the best snuggle spot on the couch, tell you to move the covers for him and give you the BEST SNUGGLES of your life. He’s scared of ghosts (I think he sees them because of his eye), and BOY is he GOOFY!! He loves to run around, has gone hunting and road tripped to some pretty cool places!
When he was younger, he would come to work with me and volunteer with some veterans and visit people in a substance abuse recovery treatment center, and nursing homes giving them love, showing they matter. You could see how happy he made people! He’s since retired from that, but every now and then he comes up to people who need the reminder that they are pretty cool or need to snuggle!!